International Book Fair Promotion Terms of Service

This agreement was last revised on July 12, 2024. 

By signing up for an International Book Fair Promotion (“Promotion”) with DropCap Marketplace (“DropCap,” “we,” or “us”) you are agreeing to allow DropCap to display and market your book(s) at one of the several international book fairs that take place each year.

As part of this Promotion, DropCap will:

  • Arrange for overseas freight shipping of your book(s) to our booth at the book fair;

  • Display your book(s) within our booth for the duration of the book fair;

  • Pitch your book to relevant rights buyers that we meet with during the book fair;

  • Include your book in promotional material related to the book fair, such as digital rights guides and virtual booth;

  • Include your book in our social media promotion before, during, and/or after the book fair;

  • Provide you with a post-fair media kit for your own promotional use.

  • Donate or dispose of your book(s) after the book fair;

You agree to the following:

  • Ship one book to our mailing address by the given deadline. You are responsible for the shipping cost and acknowledge that if your book is not received by the deadline, it may not be included in our booth. We are reserving space in our booth for your book(s) so refunds are not available if your book(s) are not received on time. Our mailing address is:

DropCap Inc.

2355 Fairview Ave. #282

Roseville, MN 55113

  • Provide us with a full copy of your book(s) PDF if you have not already done so through your DropCap Marketplace dashboard. 

  • DropCap has permission to act as your agent for any rights deals generated as a result of the Promotion for a period of six months following the end of the book fair. 

This means that if we receive an offer for rights licensing, we will ask you to sign a representation agreement with us so that we may act as your agent to negotiate and execute the license. The general terms for this are as follows:

  • Pre-approved minimum advance of $500 USD per title;

  • Five-year license term;

  • Publication date, retail price, and cover design determined by the licensee;

  • DropCap receives a 20% agency commission on the gross receipts of each license.

An annotated sample copy of our standard representation agreement can be found here. If we receive an offer for your book(s) as a result of the Promotion, you will be asked to sign an agreement comparable to this sample. You may choose not to sign at that time, but DropCap is not obligated to provide you with the contact information of any potential licensees if you choose not to move forward.

  • Participating in the Promotion does not automatically create an agency relationship between you and DropCap. 

  • DropCap in no way guarantees that participating in the Promotion will result in a licensing deal. While we will do our best to market and pitch your book(s) to our international buyers, it is not possible for us to guarantee any specific results, which are beyond our control.